Anastasia Photography, Whistler Wedding Collective, Anastasia Creative, my collaborators, associates and I include, welcome and create safe and equalized environments for all ages, backgrounds, citizenships, abilities, sexes, education levels, ethnicities, family statuses, genders, gender identities, races, religions, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic statuses. Without exception, we will ask for and use the pronouns, names and titles you use to identify yourself.
I stand with Black People, Indigenous People, and People of Colour. I honour the leadership of Black People, Indigenous People, and People of Colour in the fight for freedom, liberation, and justice. I have committed a non-negotiable percentage of my monthly income to Black and Indigenous organizations.
As a white woman, born and raised in Canada, I have received privileges that should have been the birthright of ALL People, but were NOT, and I have been educated within a system that oppresses Black and BIPOC People.
+ I educate myself and others about white supremacy dating back to the 1600s in both Canada and the United States.
+ I have created a group of professionals committed to being educated by Black and BIPOC People and holding one another accountable for acting according to anti-racist principles in our personal and professional lives.
I recognize that I have a wide sphere of influence as a small business owner, mentor, community member, friend, sister, daughter, wife and mother, and I am committed to using these platforms to actively seek equity and justice for Black People, Indigenous People, and People of Colour.
+ I am guided in my day-to-day interactions by an understanding of inequality and what I can do daily to dismantle it.
+ I offer sliding scale fees to Black People, Indigenous People and People of Colour.
+ I only work with people and businesses actively engaged in anti-racism and committed to creating safe and inclusive environments for BIPOC People, 2SLGBTQ+ People, and Women.
+ I post, follow, celebrate and share the work of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour.
+ I seek opportunities to diversify further, honouring the work and engaging the services of an even more diverse group of individuals.
I am willing to experience discomfort and sacrifice required for transformation while being compassionate with myself and others, and I welcome conflict as a necessary part of growth.
+ I will challenge racism when and where I encounter it whether or not it impacts my profits.
+ I will get it wrong. I am relying on you to challenge me and encourage me to push forward.
Please reach out to me personally if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, criticism or encouragement to offer.